And with
amazing news, firstly our annual slow grow is about to start! And because how
DropKill and myself set it up it means I can paint some models. But more importantly,
I’m an Infinity Warcor now!!! YAY!!! All it means is that Corvus Belli want me
to run Infinity demos and ITS events, and since I already run demos I’m half
way there. So it’s going to be an exciting year for Infinity.
If you want to join the slow grow, the rules are here, and you can join our group here.
as I said our slow grow is about to start and we’ve set it up such that the
Golden Combi award is based on painting all the minis in your force. So I’m
going to use it to start my vanilla Yu Jing force.
The way
we are running it is that in the first month you have 125 points and 2 swc with
no advanced rules, Lts or retreat, so I’m going to run a simple 7 order list.
First up
are the three Zhanshis, the base line trooper for Yu Jing and the start of most
Yu Jing lists. I’m being a little different and running one as an FO to blind
people as an ARO if it makes more sense, WIP 13 should help with that! These
guys can also count as my Lt so versatility. If I felt like it they could also
be used to represent a hacker or paramedic too, so lots of options with the
humble combi Zhanshi.
them is the Tiger Soldier, the best AD troop in the game. Armed with a boarding
shotgun he can appear where needed and ruin many people’s day. Not much to say
Zuyong is the now basic heavy Infantry in Yu Jing, which means I have to use
him. But for some reason he still only has a single model L
Regardless he can be an HMG Lt or proxie any of the other profiles.
Guilang, a brutal camo troop with MSV1, will serve as ground control through
mines and anti camo with MSV1. Also taking out LI via surprise shot. He can
also serve as the assault hacker or FO options too, so much like the Zhanshi
this guy has versatility with what it can be
Finally in
my list you have the shaolin, a fun silly unit that costs little but has the
potential of messing peoples plans up. Difficult to control due to being
extremely impetuous and irregular, but is able to pop smoke and handle most
people. I’m using a model that is only displayed with a close combat weapon and
I’ll paint it up as a shock CCW, meaning I can use it for all bar 2 loadouts.
after the 11th, I can start painting these guys up, so expect more